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.bsp file question...


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I unpacked my assets0.pk3 file into my gamedata folder. Now all my 'supposed to be .map' files are all .bsp. Anyone know why they aren't .map files like they should be, or how I can fix this? I just wanna view some maps in the radiant editor :(

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Originally posted by Krash

'supposed to be .map'


Who told you that, hehe? BSP are compiled maps so they can be loaded by the game. You can't view them in Radiant. Raven did include two .maps together with JKRadiant for viewing (kejim_post.map and somthing else, don't remember.)

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same reason microsoft doesn't want to give you all the code for their operating systems.


while it's also useful as a learning exercise, most folks would be inclined to cut and paste the stuff they liked and dump it into their own map, effectively ripping off the original artist.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

while it's also useful as a learning exercise, most folks would be inclined to cut and paste the stuff they liked and dump it into their own map, effectively ripping off the original artist.


Yes, exactly. Eventually they may release more .maps as the did with Elite Force (actually they released all of them) but one cannot say for sure (knowing LucasArts *cough* :D )

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