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Jedi Parachute


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Okeb, this is ridiculous. I haven't seen it in game yet, but it still shouldn't be there.


Some of u prolly know, but the lighstance uppercut move can be done in the air, and u can hold it down and kind of float around.


Normally, that'd just be amusing and silly, however in CTF you can float yer silly self around and roof doing that. Any downward slanting ledge will keep you from going down AT ALL. Meaning in narshadda there's like 8 more ways too roof in all sorts of spots.


It'd be neat, but its a lame ass bug thats responsible for it, not a legitimate roofing method. On top of that, with rage/speed u can float to yer flag podium from on top of one of the buildings you can roof on.


And please raven, in the next patch, make sure and texture the top of *all* of the buildings cause right now they're see through and that gives a fairly unfair advantage to anybody roofing, on top of the fact that they're insanely hard to get to, they can see thru the ceiling they're standing on.


Also, in the interest of developing more trick maneuvers, make one or all of the guns bounce you around more. The repeater would do nicely, if that kicked you about as much as 1/4 force push it'd open up a huge range of maneuvers that are fairly impossible now. JK had 3 weapons you could use to bounce yerself, JK2 only has the dets.




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Man..... That's my little trick to not getting hurt from falling from a big height. I didn't know anyone used it in capture the flag though. If what he says is true, then he's right in stating that it should be taken out. I liked it in other modes of play, but it would seem unfair in ctf.

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