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Team player starts arent working right..plz help


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ok i put in target locations on both sides of my map,

and i told them both to use count - 1 for red and the other side count -4 for blue... but when i play the game and i try to join the red side i end up on the blue... it doesnt matter... blue or red will appear on the blue side,and the red side goes untouched... is there anyone who has encountered this problem?


also was wondering if anyone knows where i can get a Bespin Cloud City Model... kinda like a far away view





Lord Wrath

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I am not sure what you are trying t achieve with target_location. It is used for identifying the places in a map but only for chat messages ans such.


To make players spawn in the right base, use team_**** entities:






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i already tried putting those in... the map wont compile unless i put in flags for ctf... but i dont want this to be CTF yet... for now its just gonna be a FFA and FFA tEams map... the FFA is no problem... i wanna be able to join my map like any normal teams map... one side apears on the red side and one side on the blue... it was a tut i found that told me to use target locations

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Originally posted by G5_Wrath

the map wont compile unless i put in flags for ctf...


huh? Oh. Hmmm.

Well put the flags anyway. team_CTF_red/blueflag it was or something like that. This is a virtual entity so it won't show in the map unless you actually play ctf and that can be controlled by the arena file which you'll will create later.

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while i was laying down meditating on this problem... a solution hit me...


this game was only meant for teams starting on oposite ends for CTF...


so my solution for a team match is putting start points in different spots on my map and letting people appear wherever... they will still be blue or red... so it will still be teams


: )


Lord Wrath

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