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stuck on stealth mission


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Im stuck on the stealth mission level where the alarm gets raised if you are seen by the enemy. I think it is the following level:


3.16 - The Cairn - Docking Platform


I am stuck on the bit where you start off on a higher platform on one side of the room and below there are many troops. The only way to get across to the door on the other side is by turning off the lights, putting on your light goggles and making you way to the other side in darkness.


I can reach the door on the other side but as soon as i open the door i get noticed by the guards.



How can i get into that door without raing the alarm



Thanks all in advance

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You just told him/her nothing ok you have to use mind trick so first shut off the lights and then use mind trick on the guards then quickly jump down and run to the door but when you pass them use mind trick again so that they don't hear you and you should then proceed to the door and get passed that part..





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You do not have to use mind trick. Just turn the lights off, use force speed, jump from the upper platform all the way across the room to the exit door below. That door leads to another door just a step away, so go through that door quickly. This got me through without the alarm being raised. Just be ready for a fight on the other side!

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I did it both ways, with mind tricks and without mind tricks.


Either way right when you open the door you are seen by the guy up in the tower. Just be fast and close the door behind you. They will leave you alone.

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