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There should never be 1 hit kill moves

Solid Scorpion

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Think about it, I'm a Jedi with reactions fast enough to deflect bullets, skill enough to deflect them back at the attacker, and I can't react fast enough to block a saber strike from an opponent that is facing the other way (IE not even looking at me) and swinging backwards


Excellent point. I agree it's a cool move, but it should be blockable.

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The basic point of my whinge is that all moves should be blockable and never be 1 hit death. The over blocking of the new patch is another point i want to address, being both good and bad.


good - blocks against heavy are possible, this has stopped a lot of people being aggressive with the heavy stance (however darksiders can be aggressive with the use of Dark Rage)



bad - people who just attack constantly still manage to deflect, block and parry attacks.

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But how can you block something when you're down on te ground. It seems to me most people are upset because of the push/pull & backstab combo, because you can't block when you're down on the ground.


Or should they enable blocking when you're on the ground too? :)

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Originally posted by Zodiac

Oooh lookie. meesa has 200 posts now. I'm an Ewok now. :D


In a few years... when JK3's out.. I'll be a Yoda. (what kinda creature's Yoda anyways?)..


I'm pretty sure he's a Gremling! :p

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Originally posted by Solid Scorpion

is this game meant to be played so that someone can win with one move?


no, it isn't.


Counter a back stab? what with, running around? wheres the fun in that?


the next version needs to make backstabs/slashes blockable. Afterall, the majority play this game to enact saber fights like the movies, not bunny hop competitions


Well, first of all, you "win" on any given server by having the highest score. You get the highest score by killing. And yes, there should be one hit kills.


Why? Because a lightsaber can cut through you. They are dangerous weapons. You aren't fighting with wooden spoons, you are fighting with lightsabers. This is what makes it so fun. Your survival in a battle with such dangerous weapons is what distinguishes a skilled player vs a non-skilled player.


Because you are not skilled, and have not attempted to find any counters to the pull down/backstab move, I will assist you.


First, you can avoid being pulled down by using absorb, or pulling, pushing, kicking them first.


If you are pulled down, you can a) pull or push them to knock them off balance, b) turn on protect so that you are not killed.


At which point they will most likely have their backs turned to you and you can swipe back at them.


Pretty simple really, and I do quite well against the backstabbers.

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Indeed, when you are fast and skilled enough to dodge bullets with saber, how hard can it be to kill one that is running at you without looking and swinging at random directions with fast stance, but no, he manages to block your hard stance vertical swing, and after that when you are recovering, he slaughters you and all others around him with one move.


And i would like to see some more skill in compoiong and in blocking, when 2 good players fight, they usually fight quite long and watch what the other guy does and tries to counter that, until other one dies. But then Padawan who doesnt know anything about other stances than the default(blue), comes in and manages to kill the 'good' player by rushing and hitting with random swings. Happens to me if not for anyone else :)


Yes i know im ****e and bit offtopic, but i just cant seem to find a way to kill those skillfully, so fast the blue stance is :)


-and i am a whiner i know :)


Forgot to add that i only speak about no force saber only games, not familiar with others.

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Originally posted by geronimo27


Well, first of all, you "win" on any given server by having the highest score. You get the highest score by killing. And yes, there should be one hit kills.


Why? Because a lightsaber can cut through you. They are dangerous weapons. You aren't fighting with wooden spoons, you are fighting with lightsabers. This is what makes it so fun. Your survival in a battle with such dangerous weapons is what distinguishes a skilled player vs a non-skilled player.


Because you are not skilled, and have not attempted to find any counters to the pull down/backstab move, I will assist you.


First, you can avoid being pulled down by using absorb, or pulling, pushing, kicking them first.


If you are pulled down, you can a) pull or push them to knock them off balance, b) turn on protect so that you are not killed.


At which point they will most likely have their backs turned to you and you can swipe back at them.


Pretty simple really, and I do quite well against the backstabbers.



I agree, lightsabers are very strong weapons. However, from a game standpoint, they need to be balanced.


Can you tell me why then that I can use a medium slash, which would be equal to a 2 handed baseball swing, and hit someone in the back, they don't die. However, I can reverse the situation, have them behind me facing my butt, saber drawn and ready to block, and I can backstab them and kill them?


Try this, go outside, and take a baseball bat out. With 2 hands, hit the side of your (or your parents) trash can as hard as you can. Now, go pick the trash can up from where ever it landed, and this time, turn around, and using 2 hands, do a backstab. Tell me now, which hit harder? Which knocked the garbage can farther? Hell, even using a yellow stance analogy, turn around, and use ONE hand to swing at the garbage can, while someone moves it into a different spot than where it was before. See how hard you hit it then.


If you are pulled down, you can a) pull or push them to knock them off balance, b) turn on protect so that you are not killed.


Wow, thats deep. 2 moves, for A you can't do when you don't see them coming, which you normally don't, and for B, you'd have to be light sided and have Force Pool, which you probably don't have since you got pulled dowe in the first place. So you're saying that your only prayer is to stay away from them...exactly how do you win these games then?


Ok, so what do you do when you're in a group of people, fighting close combat, and said backstabber simply runs up, turns around, and kills you all with 1 shot?



It's easy to say that a person is not skilled that is complaining about backstab. That's a childish comment that I'll leave alone.


It's also easy to call someone a newbie that simply backstabs all game. Hey, with the game as it is, in a FFA or TFFA game, if you WANT to win, you HAVE to backstab. Go on any server and spectate the leader. 9 times out of 10, they are using backstabs. 1 time out of 10 they will be a skilled player, probably using Pull/backstab Combo, or just using backswings in which they don't have to turn totally around, but can spin to kill anything in the area.


Should there be a 1 hit kill...sure. If I have a saber and you have a gun, I should be able to slice you into morsals, assuming you have no shields. If you have a saber and ARE NOT ON THE GROUND, you should have a chance to block, and if nothing else, an ABOVE NORMAL chance to block someone that isn't even facing you.


As I said before, I could see a downward stab move implemented thats a 1 hit kill, but your opponent must be on the ground. And it has a serious delay if you miss, and can't be done rapidly. It would also use force pool, but maybe restore force pool if successful.


backstab damage as it stands, I can deal with. The fact that its unblockable is not right. If I get pulled and backstabbed, I can deal. having a guy lead 5-6 others into a room and right away back swing and get 5-6 kills isn't right.


If I can't come up behind a guy holding a gun and use a heavy swing to completley chop him in half, a light swing backwards against a defensive saber wielding guy who's facing you shouldn't be able to either.


Would you like fries with that?

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