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Saber Modeling

Lt. John Kheen

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Hey People!


Well, i keep on finding so many new custom Saber handles on all the pages for JK2.


Now i'd like to make my own saber model, but I AM A NEWBIE!


My question is:


Could anyone help me and tell me what program i need and how it has to be used? Or where can i get a tutorial for saber-modeling? I have no experience in making 3D models...


I'd be very happy...


Thanks to everybody, who helps!


Lt. John Kheen

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well, some people use milkshake (try searching in google), but i use gmax, from http://www.discreet.com, goto Products then select gmax from the drop-down menu. its a 20mb download tho, so get Download Accelorator Plus from http://www.downloads.com if u dont have it. u also need the .md3 export plugins which come with tempest (also a 20mb download - if u dont have the speed download the plugins from my site here). theres also some tutorials for modelling in gmax on the discreet website. once u have got the hang of gmax, make ur model, skinmap it, add the tags, and export it as a .md3 from the Export option on the File menu, and use MD3View (its in the JKII SDK from Raven - if u dont have it gettit!!! its on the JKII.net files section) to open the .md3. save it as a .glm, and look in assets0.pk3 (use WinZip) to find the correct filename and location to put ur model. it will be something like base/models/weapons2/saber/saber.glm, but im not sure (im at skool else i'd check). run JKII, then goto the console (Shift + `) and type "sv_pure 0" (without the quotes) and press resturn. this tells JKII to look in the folders, not just the .pk3s. then, play the game, and enjoy ur saber.

i dont have time or space to tell u how to skinmap and tag it here and now, but im about to start a tutorial on making JKII models in gmax for all u people who cant afford 3ds max, so gimme a few weeks (best spent getting used to using gmax - get the tutorials) and ill post one. if u get desperate, ask and ill give u a hand, my email is mat_howe@hotmail.com, or just post on these here forums and someone will definately be able 2 help you. good luck!

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I also am a newbie at modelling, though i have made levels, and understand brush creation, and i am also attempting a saber handle. I will illustrate my progress so far. (note, this file does not include skinning or tagging, as i haven't figured those out yet, this is just to get started) First get gmax, get tempest. Learn to model in gmax (not too difficult) finish your model and group it together. Save it as a .gmax. Then, open up your file in Tempest, and export it as a md3 (to save time later, name it saber_w.md3). Open this md3 with modview. Re-export it as saber_w.glm. Now pak it up ( a whole other tutorial ) and run it. it should show up in game, but in my case, is gray in the middle and white on both ends, and emits no blade, but makes sound. Also, it is being held correctly by my character. The only reason i can think for this, is that i opened kyle's saber in gmax and positioned my saber in the exact same spot, with almost the same size.


i hope this helps someone, as i have been trying for days, unsuccessfully, to get comprehensive help on this subject. now to find out how to skin it and (i think this is how it works ) attach the tag the emits the blade in the game. perhaps someone could give at least the quick and dirty?

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Why dont you import another saber and steal the tags. Thats what i did. Saber seems lined up fine, in hand and the flash. Also i wanna note that the dual saber (/thedestroyer in cheat mode) saber looks fine also. Just need to get it skinned and wala.

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for those interested in tagging, check out a few threads by lord_yig over in the editing section of jedi-outcast.com forums. this helped me immensely. I will explain how to properly tag your lightsaber now (i could never figure out how to steal them from another model.

1. in gmax, create a right triangle (one side is 90 degrees) with sides of ratio 1:2. The size, i think, is not important, but i made mine to fit inside my hilt. make it have only one face and 3 vertices. name it tag_parent and place it horizontally (with the right angle lined up on the origin lines ) where you want the top of your right hand to go. NOTE: i've found no evidence that this tag is necessary, but it is included on kyle's saber. i don't know why. i made it anyway.

2. copy/paste this tag and name the copy tag_flash. rearrange this so that the point (the most acute angle) points straight up, and the long edge is flush with the z-axis, and the short edge is where the blade will begin.

3. DO NOT attach these tags. select your saber model w_saber, and the tags, tag_parent and tag_flash. export all 3 as an md3. load it up in md3view (there's an option to show tags, and if you've done it right, there they are) and export to .glm. pak it up and try it out. (i was so happy, i did the dance of joy).

4. please tell me if this works for you, or not, and also how to skin and get my skin to work ingame. thankyou!

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you dont actually need to use tempest, because if you 'borrow' the md3exp.dlo and tempest.dli from the tempest folder and put them in gmax\plugins, you can export as a .map or .md3 straight from gmax. i've put these plugins on my site here to save people having to download Tempest to get them, cos its a big bitch to get just for the exporting.

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