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Exploit Counter Guide


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If anything is ruining the MP game for the average player, it isnt the patch, it's the arrival of a player in a MP game, especially duel servers, who only spams the exploit moves. You know the ones, these exploit players never actually engage in combat, but rather just attempt the same special and exploit moves over and over again. Seems to me to be about 1 in 5 players are like this.


When I say ruin the game, I mean this. I believe, most people who PAID GOOD MONEY for this game bought it so they could have a Star-Wars-Like combat experience. When they join a game and try to fight like one would imagine Jedi would fight, the experience can easily be ruined by a player who only spams the special moves or exploits.... Yet the line between someone who only exploits and the skilled player who has mastered the best moves can be blurry, so I beleive it is probably wrong to try to address to much of it in a patch... but instead with skill and knowledge.


Since I believe the majority of players would prefer to have Star-Wars-Like fights, could the most experienced players, that is, the ones who DO KNOW the most effective and reliable ways to counter an the common exploits / special moves, please contribute to this thread as comprehensive an explanation as is possible as to how they go about countering these most commonly spammed moves?


This way, if enough people learn how to defeat the most common exploits often enough, these exploit players, who seem to only play to ruin the game for others, will either get bored and stop playing or at least change their tactics to include some Actual Lightsaber Swings and Blocks, allowing the game to again be a Star-Wars-Like combat experience for the rest.


A move / counter-move guide will also reveal which moves in the game are truly uncounterable, and then perhaps any new patch could be limited in scope to only fix these uncounterable exploits, rather than boosting or nerfing things which could be countered with knowledge and skill.


Or, if a move / counter-move guide already exists, could someone offer an URL and maybe a moderator could make it sticky?

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well, the only move i can't counter so far is the floorsweeper or janitor or whatever you wanna call it. but now and then i manage to counter the move by standing up fast enough...

list the moves you mean


@JE128: true, there are indeed many post on this topic, but it is IIRC something new to hold up a thread with counters for the most exploited and spammed moves. if we manage to bring some really useful counter attacks together maybe this thread will become sticky... who knows

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Yeah guys, I do read this forum, but I am trying to get as much move / counter move stuff into one place as possible.


Pull+Backstab / Sweep Move:


The only way I know how to counter this move is to try to:


1 - Stand off at a distance and make no move which will make you vulnerable to the pull.


2 - If pulled down, get back up as quickly as possible, and do not swing, but retreat.


3 - Try to get in a sabre throw between pulls if you think the puller is not scripted, as they may mis-time.


4 - Drain him early and lighting the bastard if you have those powers.


Unless you have Absorb, which can buy you a little time to attack, direct attacks are out as they seem only leave you open to the pull, and if the spammer has this move scripted, there is no chance they will mis-time the move.


Anyone have anything else to offer on this one?

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Pushing and Pulling for the purpose of getting someone to fall off a ledge isnt an exploit persay, but it is a move which can be hard for new player to counter.


My tactic is to ususally be very concious of where the fatal drops are and try to keep a back to the wall. Absorb can help if you have it, but the best bet is to not make unnecassary swings or jumps which will leave you vunerable to the force power.


Anyone have anything to add?

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Don't make unneccseary swings or jumps eh? So at what point do you attack then? Cuz them guys that have that **** scripted will knock you on your ass the second you try. Which leaves you with the only option of not attacking at all.


Absorb is really the only answer. I've spent many many hours trying to counter that pull/backstab ****. You really just can't do it, and expect to be able to kill that person. If someone has it binded and uses it constantly. It's a nearly airtight move. Your only hope is that either there are too many people around for him to get a clear shot, or his force powers are drained.

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The 1.03 Death from Above is still spammed by some die hards, but for the most part it is now easily dodged.


If you see someone repeat this move a couple of times and suspect they are spamming it, just be concious not to stay directly in front of the player, move laterally a lot to make them guess. Also, this move seems to work best at a specific distance, and the best players using this move will "dance" forward and back to try to lure you into this "sweet spot" in front of them so they can execute.


If you see it repeated more than three times in a row, it is likely the player has scripted the attack. Dodge with a single click side flip, and then hit them in the side (but not back, lest you be vulnerable to a backstab follow) with some light or medium forward strikes.


Anything someone can add?

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Originally posted by KnightHawk420

Don't make unneccseary swings or jumps eh? So at what point do you attack then? Cuz them guys that have that **** scripted will knock you on your ass the second you try. Which leaves you with the only option of not attacking at all.


Absorb is really the only answer. I've spent many many hours trying to counter that pull/backstab ****. You really just can't do it, and expect to be able to kill that person. If someone has it binded and uses it constantly. It's a nearly airtight move. Your only hope is that either there are too many people around for him to get a clear shot, or his force powers are drained.



I agree, I do not know of a reliable counter if the move is scripted and repeated, unless you can get lucky and get them near a ledge.


The only thing I know that is even vaguely a counter is to simply not engage, and hope they get bored?


Possible patch suggestion: Make pull not bring the opposing Jedi to the ground, but only closer, unless the opposing player is mid-jump or pushing.

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