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Unable To Load OpenGL Substystem


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I just recently Installed Windows XP adfter formatting my computer, now when I try to run Jedi Outcast, I get the message "Could not Load OpenGL Subsystem". I have tried what they said on the Lucasarts webpage, but it still doesn't work. I have a nVIDIA Geforce 2 MX card. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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I wish I could help but I have the same card and os along with the same problem. When I choose new game than begin... it seems fine the game begins to load but then crashes to the desktop. I've tried at least 4 or 5 drivers from nvidia with no luck.


I have played other games with open gl using the windows xp driver with no problems. Yet jedi will not even start with that driver. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks




vid. card= Geforce2mx (asus magic) current driver 23.11



Athlon 1.2g

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