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in the jedi tests, got my lightsaber , nothing at all happend, i wasnt able to collect it, i pulled it out of cage and nutting happend after alot of thinking, apparently sence i have used the give all cheat before, it wont let me collect my lightsaber sence it thinks i already have it, but i cant leave the place witout that specific lightsaber.... i dont know how to delete a waepon from your arsenal... can anyone help me get past this?

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I would just restart the level. once you know what to do it only takes a few mintues to get to that point again. heck just use ONLY the onclip cheat to get from power to power. also there is never really a NEED to cheat imo.

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If you scroll through your weapon lists does it show up? If not, perhaps you force pulled it and it missed you (and is somehere on the ground)?


Check around on the floor if you don't have it the weapon lists, if you do, you may just need to select it.

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