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I Must Have The 2-sided Saber!! Arghhhh


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first of all, the double sided saber is multiplayer only since the code for the saber is included in the jkmp.exe only. now to the point:

  1. start a multiplayer game, open up the console
  2. type into the console devmap <mapname> (mapname if of course the desired map, for example ffa_bespin for the bespin streets map)
  3. after the map loaded, take out the saber but let him be unlit
  4. open up the console and type /thedestroyer
  5. voila, one double sided saber coming right up :)

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This way:


1) Start a server with the map you want (if you don't know the mapname yet)...


2) Write "mapname" in the console and the name of the map will pop up, remember it...


3) write "devmap xxxxxx" where xxxxxx is the name of the map.


4) It now starts the map in dev mode, cheats activated.

holster your saber (it don't work if your saber is up) and in the console write "/thedestroyer" or "\thedestroyer"... then it will work...


Only works in multiplayer, not singelplayer.

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