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Ambient lightning possible?

Mero Vilul

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When in the editor :-


Press "Esc" to deselect everything.

Then press "n" to bring up the entity properties window.


because you have nothing selected it automatically selects the worldspawn entity which defines values like ambient ligthing


simply enter


key - ambient

value - 300 (daylight)


or whatever value you want.


I use a low number to increase the effectiveness of my own lighting.


Hope that helps.


- Pseudopath.

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Ambient lighting is good for lighting in outdoor areas (unless your sky shader emits light) and for ships and stuff that have what I like to call "where are they?" Lights. (i.e. Corridor of the Tantive IV. NOTE: If there are lights there, and I'm missing them, someone prove me wrong.)


Normally when I'm doing a "Where are they?" kind of lighting scheme I like to set it low, so then I can use light entities and surfaces to make brighter areas in some situations. It can look really cool in some cases, but look gay in others. Your preference.

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I use a tiny bit of ambient on my maps mostly, but my main cause of using it is that I don't do lights until the map is in its final stage, and I don't want to walk around in an ugly fullbright map during the whole development... it's ugly then...

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here's a question about worldspawn and lighting-

If I am using, say the yavin shader (from the textures/skies list) for my skybox, can you lower the lighting that that sky gives off. making it more of a yavin evening rather that full daylight?

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