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q3 engine = sorry netcode?


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is it just me or does jk2, moh, sof2 all seem to lag horribly compared to other engines? i'm only on a 56k, which sucks i know, but i used to get pings of 180-300 on team fortress and other games....with all the q3 engine games out lately, i've noticed that developers seem to be getting lazy... the netcode is pretty sorry on these newer games. its like theyre basically saying if you dont have broadband, too bad. i used to have broadband, so i know its where its at, but sometimes its just not an option for some people. my point is, does anyone experience sorry pings in jk2 on a modem or what? and i mean like constant connection interrupted messages and 999 pings. what kind of pings are you all getting? maybe its just me? thanks.



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Q3's netcode is the best I've ever played on. Period. Even for dialup players. Perhaps, especially for dialup players. I used to win Q3 maps with my 56K modem connected to the net via Altavista's free ISP--with the banner sucking up some of my resources (and display :\ ) You just have to tweek your system for the best results. A few commands--rate 2500-4000 (I just stayed at 2500 and it greatly reduced packet loss), com_maxfps 45. Check out http://www.optimizing.net for good modem tweeks.

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