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lightsaber question


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seriously the level where you actually get your saber is by itself fairly simple. no enemies, and just puzzles. the puzzles could have been a LOT harder, but I can see how they might be bothersome. the hardest one for me involved this one series of jumps I won't talk about (don't wanna spoil it). But those who been there might no which series of jumps I am talking about. I had to jump about 10 times just to make the first one... it was always about 1 inch too high LOL.


Hiowever I honestly felt that the level BEFORE you get to the part where you earn your saber was really asking a lot out of me LOL.


Big map, and for a first time JK player I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off having no clue what to do... (thank god for walkthroughs)

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