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A Model From Outside The Starwars Uni? Is It Taboo?


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I was wondering if any would freak out if I started to port this model I am making into Jedi Knight2. Mind you I still have to skin it, and find out how to get it into JK2.... but If everyone is die hard on keeping the JK2 model pool, "Star Wars only" then I won't bother.


Also feedback on how to make the model better would also be helpful. THanks!





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Cool model. But I think the legs are too thin and the chest is too big.

Do you have plans to make lots of textures for the most important Ledions? And I would really like to see some Chaos Space Marines, I love the Black Legion.

Just keep up the work, looks promising for maybe a Mod or a TC.

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Originally posted by Epimetheus

A non-SW model? Agh. my eyes! THEY BURN! You shall pay for this with your life, infidel!


Anyway, good luck trying to find some help. Most people are very caught up in their own projects, and rightly so. But good luck anyway.


Well I am not looking for help, I plan to do this all on my own. Maybe some guidence from this forum, but I was not looking for anyone to take the mesh and finish it. I hope everyone is not too busy to post a link to a tutorial :(



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Non-SW models are not taboo, they just don't find much popular support in a narrow-scope game like JO. It doesn't matter if you have the best Rambo skin/model out there, if it's now SW, people probably aren't going to want to play with it. Sure, there will be a small core of players, but most others will stick to the top-notch SW models out there. (The new Darth Vader and Boba Fett models, for example, plus the soon to be released Padme, Wookie, and Leia.)


That said, I think a model like the Warhammer 40k Marine could become very popular, if done right. If it's the best damn Marine model/skin out there, people might use it because it fits into a Sci-Fi mold very similar to JO's.

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Don't listen to them, I am really waiting for good models/skins from outside of starwars universe. Been waiting for an Otaku to just come out of the blues saying "here's my Anime Model Pack!" too bad it hasn't happened yet. BTW, kewl model man, keep working at it!

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Ya got my support brother. I am a pretty die hard SW fan but I look forward to quality non-star wars models. I already posted a topic about how cool a Optimus Prime/Megatron Two Pack would be, and I even like the idea of a StormShadow/SnakeEyes Two Pack.


Now if only I could model and skin....

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I say bring em on!

Starwars models are all realy good and all but originals are just the best (I love q3's flex alloy) and bringing in models from other fiction is also cool.

I'm no modeler but I think his bulk would make it hard to animate with out lots of nasty deformation. Jedi uses skeletal animation (designed for tallish people of normal proportions )and as far as i know only one prog can edit em


Not sure what doesn't fit right 4 me but............I think his armour angles in to much at the abodomin/lower body. I f I remember right it was just a vertical cylyundrical plate with no slope

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Took a good look at the model, and all I can say is: Too small! He's tiny!



Look at the head. He has a waist barely wider than it! A waist is almost as thick as a chest, especially in a SM because they are extremely well muscled to cover weak spots, like the gut. That looks like a Victorian woman's waist!


These guys are massive, the head should look comparitavely tiny, not huge.

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Originally posted by Lord -=[FBF]=-

40k tc for JKII



Pray to weapons!


Ethnic cleansing!


Well, it might be a laugh to play don't let me put you off!




For those of you who don't know, in 40k we make the empire look like the perfect universe, and the vong look civilised -and we're the good guys!:eek:

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it wouldnt touch my hard drive....and the same is true for the majority of this community. there is a small group that doesnt care who their avatar is in the game, and just want to play as their favorite wrestler or transformer and go around spamming people online....


the majority, though, recognize this as a chance to play in the star wars universe, a universe that actually has lots of story and character behind it. throwing anime and wrestlers into the mix detracts from the immersion factor.


my suggestion is always :if you want to model outside SW, wait for unreal 2, doom3 or a similar game that is simply about fragging with no story whatsoever.


but to each their own.




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I respect all of your opinions very much and they have helped me with my desision.


I Have decided to make a few changes to the mesh and Skin the model. Once that is done I will try put it in Jedi Knight 2. That is If I can find a home brew GLM exporter for a 3D program I have. If there is not a plug in that allows me to export my own custom animations then i won't do it. It would be a waste of time to have the default (skinny guy) animations on a space marine.


I hope raven helps with some sort of Max GLA animation plugin? Even if we can't do mo cap it would still be better to do our own animations for our "different" charaters. Tell me the wookie model is going to look good running around with the default animatons? If we are going to be allowed to edit/make new charaters then we need to be able edit the animations.


My thought is, if you don't want to see non Star Wars stuff... Don't d-load it... As far as I know if you don't have the model on your computer you will not see it. I belive it defaults to a different model? Anyone have more concrete evidince of this? I know it happens in Half Life but that was a over worked Quake engine and I am sure they have made advnacements in net code since then?


Who knows in some cracked out way maybe 40k could be in the Star Wars universe... (ok you can Bar-B-Que me for that one :)


Thanks all I look forward to seeing all your models!

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Originally posted by Lord -=[FBF]=-

makes Emperor Palpetine look civilised





The beautific spiritual leader and helpful guide and single handed, well [:jarjar:], creator of the most perfect society ever to exist!


All hail the perfect being!:emperor:

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I think people will DL what ever models they feel look cool or think will make them unique. Most people dont bother a whole heap with dling models and stuff as the alteration to gameplay is minimal. So instead occupy there bandwidth with maps and mods.


I dont think you should realy care what people think about "keeping the world pure". As it's your time and your sweat. Also keep in mind there are people who dislike anything that strays from the original game atmosphere a whole lot. Ive had people complain about models in CS, q3, HL, q2, q1 ect but when I visit lans it's whatever is the most fun. I see homer simpson in q3, i see solid snake and glowing red dudes in cs, Cyborgs and nijas in HL, Angels and manga characters in q1+q2 and blah blah blah the list goes on. Also keep in mind thatthose in these particualr forums are a select few of the more devotee fans than the majority (no offence people :) )

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