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Trap Help!!


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2 problems


I made a jail cell in my mp level. I need to know how to...


1. Create a button that activate and deactivate a force field to lock a "prisoner" in.


2. How to create a trap so that when someone presses a button, lightning can flow through the cell killing the prisoner instantly.



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1. func_button/func_usable ---- func_usable

The button can control the func_usable which will disappear and reappear instantly, like a force field. Also, if you use a func_usable to TRIGGER it, the player will have to walk up to it, and press their 'use' button instead of just bumping it. (this works in MP too) Just remember to set the 'always on' in the func_usable that you use as a trigger.


2. Again, a func_usable/func_button should target a trigger_hurt, and possibly an fx_runner w/ a lighting FX.

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