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New game type


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Well old game type but still its the greatest. Last man Standing; present in UT and MoHaa and probably all other fps games this is by far my favourite. Purely for the fact that dying is made so much more important and winning so much more satisfying.


instead of a frag limit ppl have lives. In the team last man standing games in MoH everyone only has one life, your team wins when they have killed all the members of the other team or the time runs out. The server would change maps after a certain number of rounds. Too much fun " Die red scum ".


Anyway in UT there was ffa lms where u all had 10 or 15 lives and the winner was ' the last man standing '. I shouldn't need to explain why that rocked.


This game type wasnt included with MoH on release but it didnt take long for a mod to be released, Why oh why are we the only fps community left to suffer this fate. Being denied such a rightous way to proove our god like ways of combat it's a pity for us all and I count us as damned.


Last Man Standing Rox, there can be only one........



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Its called camping and if they did it in a corner well then thats there first mistake. True campers like to look down on their prey not cower in a corner, u will have to fight sometime. Anyway force seeing and spectators would make it pretty impossible for alot of u guys too camp. And if not everyone usually teamkills the camper which too can be immensely enjoyable.



*Mind Trick* it is a great idea, spread the word

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The only problem that i see is people becoming engaged in a duel and either dragging out their duels to waste time and delay the obvious or by not bothering to fight at all.


that could be solved by putting a time limit on duels or by removing duels altogether.

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Don't shun this thread its the most important subject u monkeys. In my first ever thread i threatened to spam a topic til got I some proper attention for this amazing game type, It needs the crossover. Our community is shaming the creator of LMS by not bringing it to this game.

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ok after becoming a spectator u cant rejoin the match , u have to wait until it starts again.


When the match starts people can still enter the game as long as noone has lost a life. After someone has lost a life new players become spectators and can play in the next match.


In team games u cant talk to live members of your team after u have died, which to me is fair enough but in ffa dead players can talk to live players and vice versa.

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A better way to solve the "no-rejoining" problem is to use the CS method - when you join you have to wait until the start of the next round, since you can only spawn at the start of the round.


As for the campers, well, force seeing is one solution as people have mentioned, but did you ever have that problem with UT? Not significantly I'm sure. It can be dealt with (if they do it too often then people could just vote them off in the next round).


Obviously, private duels may need to be disabled for this game, and you'll have to put up with people jumping you suddenly. I'd love to play this game type. A LOT.

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heh.. every game type for this game has lots of idiots and problems.. that doesnt stop us from playing.



i would support this... this goes along more with my type of realistic playing style... one life and if you die your dead.

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it all makes sense, but i prefer killing campers rather than kicking them and besides if kicking was enabled on the servers i play on then people would kick me constantly just for being the best. I used to see that in UT alot. But i wasnt the best then :(


I understand kicking cheats but somone kicked me because they said my name didnt make sense the other day. Damn Zone muppets.


So who knows how we could get a mod made? who could make the mod or where we can learn how to do it ourselves?

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That kind of thing usually only gets you ignored. Lucky I'm the kind of guy that reads most topics when I'm bored.


Not every thread started makes it off the ground, and a thread full of c*** will tend towards being ignored. Just thought I'd mention it.

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I understand, but spamming is not the answer...or else this post will turn into a *gasp* flaming contest again. the best way to do it is on the editing forum, they aer a lot more open to these types of ideas and most modders and programmers go there to look for ideas. This place is more of a place to talk and...inevitably flame at eachother .lol

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