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Jedi Knight II: Draconis Rising


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I've seen a lot of mods on this forum to do with saber enhancements or Episodes 1 and 2, but nothing that involves events before even that.


So... why shouldn't there be something a little different!?!


The mod is called Draconis Rising, and will be an epsodic mod set a few years before the birth of the Republic ('Dungeons and Dragons meets JK2' kinda thing). With hope, it will eventually include CG animations and modular weaponry.


I did originally plan to produce the mod using the Red Faction engine, but given the tremendous popularity of Jedi Outcast, and the amount of things it can do, I've decided to make it for that instead.


Unfortunately - for the moment - I have absolutely NO idea how to code or map for Quake3 engine systems, but I can do modelling/animation and web design, so I'm asking for help with creating this mod, which will be hosted on JediKnightii.net when they get back to me.


Now given I said some weapons will be modular, they probably won't be implemented until Raven release the source code, but at least a start can be made on it.


Ideas for the mod from anyone else would also be greatly appreciated. Anyone who can help can contact me at my email address:



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I am in the process of actually building a basic layout of the site, and have drawn up a main storyline for the mod itself - not the individual episodes.


If you'd like, I can put the main storyline on the forum before the website goes up.

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I've also constructed a new modular lightsabre for the mod, but are unsure of the maximum polygon count allowed for a JK2 weapon.


The weapon's polygon count can read anywhere between 3112 and 3150 depending on its various configurations (no smoothing of any kind has been made). I may adjust the weapon a little bit to get the polygon count down a few faces.

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Here is the mod's main story:



Five and a half millenia ago, before the chronicles of the Skywalker bloodline began, before the war between the Jedi and the Sith reached deadly proportions, even before the vast Republic was founded... there were the ForceMages, and the ancient terrors that once plagued the galaxy. This is their story.



In a world where the balance of power is divided and where any powerful governments do not exist, there are only two classes of people: the Commoners, and the Warlords. While the Warlords lived in the lap of luxury and ruled with absolute power, the Commoners were poor, diseased and hungry. Some of the Commoners were traders, some were slaves... but most were trying to survive another day in this chaotic age. Then from the wastelands came a new kind of people, ones who posessed extraordinary abilities from a form of energy they called the Force. Because of the very nature of their beliefs, and the similarities of their unusual skills to magic, the Commoners nicknamed them the "ForceMages". Matched with their intellect came fresh forms of technology that enabled the people to finally expand their exploration across the galaxy.


But the ForceMages didn't stop there.


Through the course of several years, the ForceMages overwhelmed the Warlords, shattering their reign over the rights and privileges of the Commoners, and established an innovative form of commerce between their kind and the other classes. When the classes had become sufficiently advanced enough, they built varied space-faring vessels, new farming technology, and most importantly - the first device capable of wielding the energy of the Force, the StaffSabre. Various incarnations of this device were constructed, even some with built-in defensive and offensive weapons systems.


As new planets were charted, other worlds seemed to be inhabited by numerously different species, as well as people with powers similar to the ForceMages. Their hand stretched forth across entire star systems, until during some excavations they discovered on several worlds what appeared to be naturally-occuring geysers deep underground, that expelled the essence of the Force itself. In respect of everything the ForceMages stood for, a few species built monuments right on top of these, and sometimes even entire cities. Trade between the systems grew, and then the ForceMages formed a civilian council. Their eventual hope was for it to transform into a confederacy where all would be equal, and for a while, it seemed to work well.


Then rumours began to surface of a strange lifeform that a primitive race (called the Krayt) in the Jundland Wastes referred to a powerful god, named Draconii (roughly translated as Dragon Lord of Light). When the Krayt first encountered the ForceMages, they believed that they were the diciples of this 'Draconii'. The ForceMages were intrigued by this fable, and began to search for any indications of the lifeform's authority on other worlds, but nothing ever became of it. Almost a century had passed, and still no sign of Draconii ever appeared, until an unusual energy field was discovered imprisoned in the destoyed city of Korriban, on the planet Coruscant.


And this is where your journey begins...


That's about it. Further comments and questions are welcome on this thread if anyone wants more information. There will be NO plot-spoilers, though!

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