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Jedi Knights of the Outer Rim-UK clan recruiting


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my name is Jammyaka n i fancy myself as a decent JK2 player (especially on Barrysworld servers). due to this i also think i cud lead a clan to greatness. the only things that i ask are:

* ur from the UK or Europe.

* play at least 5hrs aweek. (i plan to have 2 training sessions aweek and eventually enter the ladders so u must be able to play often).


i wud prefer to have a clan primarily of Lightsabre users only but i plan to have a large variety in the clan so i wudnt mind 2 or 3 who use weapons as well. Dark or Light doesnt really matter (i myself prefer dark) as i want a large variety of light and dark sided players. lightsabre styles r the same as forces.


also it does not matter to me whether u r gud or bad player as i want this team to be of equal strength so that is why im going to offer training sessions to those who need it but all members wud be required to join also.


and for the name if u hadnt realised is: Jedi Knights of the Outer Rim.


if u r interested then plz contact me at : james_hallows@hotmail.com.


thx Jammyaka :fett::jawa:bdroid2:

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