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A few noob questions......


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I'm making a single player map, and I had a few questions about how to do somethings


1. How would you make the in game cut scenes, not the cgi movies, but the game-engine rendered sequences before and during missions?


2. How do you change the objective, because all my maps say objectives=none when I hit tab. And how do you change objectives?


3. How would I set what force powers a player starts with at the beginning of a mission?


Im thinking these can not be done without the single player sdk, but it never hurts to ask. Thanx

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I think you should wait til the GDK v.2 is released so you can make your custom scripts. You see, stuff like showing objectives, defining forces powers, declaring variables should be done in one script which runs directly upon player spawning. Right now we can only use existing Raven's scripts which are designed for specific levels. I can describe how you can show objectives but that would mean that you cannot define force powers in the same script (and vice versa).


But, just in case this is how you show an objective (uncompiled script code):




Objective references are defined in objectives.sp file which can be found in base/strip directory (assets1.pk3)



This is how you hide it.




Mark the objective as succeeded.




Mark as failed.

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Wouldnt modifying objectives.sp cause you data to be "unpure", and not let you play online because the game data files have been altered? I believe ive seen the game auto kick people who have modified base-game pk3 files while trying to play online.

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