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RAVEN: 1.04 = dual saber?

Darth Anabolic

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I dont know but will Raven implent the Dual Saber into the 1.04 patch? It's very boring playing as Darth Maul with a "normal" lightsaber ;)


Besides it would be cool to have a dual saber selectable. Of course we want it balanced, not as strong as it is in Phantom Menace the movie, because we want it to be able to fight against a normal saber-player without being unbalanced.


Anybody know anything about this?


//Darth Anabolic :vadar:

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YEah man you are reading my thought exactly. They should impland the dual sabers in the new patch..By the way.. anobolic steroids lol..I like the name..Lets play sometime if you have the time :p.... "I feel the dak power go throw me" hehe..


Anyhow yes PLZ fix the dual sabre in the next patch..That would be ASSKICKING!!!!!

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I'm sure you know this....but it's already in there. You just can't play it on a normal server (has to have cheats enabled). And lets face it, it's more powerful than a normal saber (spent time practicing against a guy using it when I wasn't...he was less skilled by a long way, but still murdered me 4 times out of 5)

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I think it would be cool if the added the "staff type" doble ended saber like Maul used and allowed the use of duel (2) lightsabers.

However, with the bs and dfa whiners who cant accept the moves can be avoided, the above suggested implementations would incite more whining and complaining.


I think some people that post here probably never even play the game, they tried the 1.03 patch once, their previous techniques no longer worked, so they didnt like it and gell to the whiner side of the force.



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I'm sure that it would be interesting - but everyone would NEED to use it then, because it (as it is now) does a lot of accidental damage when you take a swipe, they dodge but the second blade catches them in the shin (due to the animations).


There are ways to fight it, but it *would* inspire a lot of people to go play another game. It's best relegated to the realm of cheats, since it can't be balanced against normal saber combat.


A thought did just occur to me about balancing it - make the saber combat skills (attack, defence throw) cost more (up to twice as much, maybe less though), which would limit the amount of force powers those staff users would have available. This may (*may*) compensate for the added attack potential. Oh, but it may need banning from NF servers.

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Your prayers have been answered my friends! Maybe not in the form of a patch, but in the form of The Kaiburr Saga. A new mod that will include new models, new levels, TONS of new stances, Double sided saber(Maul Style), Duel sabers(2 sabers), new finishers for stances, balanced gameplay. If you have any expierence in these fields they could use some more help:



Coder Must know C++, must have experience in editing Q3


Animator Must have some kind of animation program, experience in animating a plus


Modeller Must have a modelling program, must have experience modelling. Q3 experience a plus


Mapper Able to figure out how to make JK2 maps. Q3 experience a plus


Technical Consultant Helps out the team when they get stuck on random things. Advises other positions. Must have made a mod before - OR - Must have experience and 'know how' in the ways of putting all the parts of a Q3 mod together.


Management Supervises a section of the mod Must want to keep people motivated and on schedule. Must talk on forums and keep in touch with his section. This position is very important. Only apply if you are willing to go all the way.



The website is: http://www.kaiburrsaga.com/

After the SDK is released, expect the first beta of this mod to be released 1-1 1/2 Months after the release of the SDK.


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i like it the way it is.. when you go into a server you know that someone might have the double saber.




if ANY server could use the double saber then EVERYONE in the server would use it and you might as well take normal sabers out of the game.

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well heres how to fix that, require alot of points to be used for double saber defence maul was well trained to be that good, so alot of skill points should go in to defence or maybe haper them more by only allowing nutral force powers to be used with the double?

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well you don;t haft to make the points more. cause in the movie you see obi-wan block behind him the when darth maul use the the the othe rside he blocks it in front. you could jsut make the defense range 360 degrees instead of the small window in fron't and you should maybe make the swings not as strong a single lightsaber cause it would be hard to swing slow and hard cause a light saber when spun it wants to spin on it own that is why it is hard for non-jedi to use and when there are two blades it is doubled so if you are trying to make it real you could use quick swings that are nto as powerfull and the single more powerfull and more defense on it

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There are a couple ways I can think of.


One, you could make the player spend something like 12 or so force points to have either a 2-bladed lightsaber or two regular ones. Whatever it takes so that the player has a significant disadvantage in force powers


The other way would be to make them as weapons that you had to pick up, and could lose when you die. If that is still unbalanced you could include the possibility of disarmament by chopping one of the ends off of a double saber.

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The problem with adding new saber modes is the animations. Raven did excellent animations because they had the software and the actors at their disposal. The software itself is more than $1000 and I very much doubt that a mod would be released within 1.5 months of the SDK that would allow new saber modes effectively.

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Just my two cents, but IMHO I think the best way to balance a double-bladed lightsaber would be to make it available only in a specialy type of duel mode pitting one person with a dual saber vs. two with normal sabers.The double-bladed saber can then be as uber as it was in the hands of Darth Maul while still requiring skill to use. It would also add interesting gamplay dynamics as the two people would have to move in a coordinated fashion to overcome the greater ability of the dual blade wielder.


It's nearly impossible, though, to make a fair fight between two people, one having a double-bladed saber. I'm not terribly familiar with weapons, but I do know that in man-to-man combat a staff is supierior to a sword, and by all accounts, the dual saber looks much like a staff to me. So to create an equal battlefield between the combatants either the double-bladed saber would have to be nerfed completely, or the normal saber would have to be seriously pumped up, especially in terms of defense and speed.

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Heres one thing they should add to the next patch, How about the ability to block force lightning with your lightsaber since we saw it on AOTC, I think it would be a great idea since there are those out there that use the force lightning like crazy and you get caught around it when someone is being targeted in front or besides you.

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