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question about func_timer


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hi guys,


im trying to make a set of doors that open and close on their own.


however when i have bound a func_timer to a door, it never opens or closes, it just stays closed, that is with the default wait of 1.


anyone know how to make them work properly?


any help is appreciated.

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Originally posted by Felonius

i dont have a toggle option on the door to select :(


You should. Select the door and press N. Check the entity window which will pop up. It should have "toggle" checkbox. Mark it.

Also set func_timer 's wait key to something bigger than 1 (maybe 3 or 4) cuz one second may be too fast.


If it still doesn't work, try to replace func_timer with trigger_always. You should also set its wait key to 3 or 4.

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