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why was this area not fixed?


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sorry if it has been discussed b4 but


in jk2


the human faces look terrible!

Their theeths are showing even while they're not doing anything.

Especially the reborns. when u zoom in i was like ..HOLY!~ how ugly@~ their eyeballs are popped out and their theeths are showing all. these should be fixed... seriously!!!

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Do you have any idea how many polygonjs are required to DO a human face? And NOT have it look brain damaged? (no offence intended to anyone out there)


At least they made the attempt with the in-game NISs, others might have switched to actors (which would have cost more, and the characters in the cutscenes wouldn't look anything like the ones in game) or even just used subtitles.


Sure it looks funny, but I play the game for the gameplay, not to complain about how unrealistic the imaginary faces look...

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Originally posted by Sutek

Do you have any idea how many polygonjs are required to DO a human face? And NOT have it look brain damaged? (no offence intended to anyone out there)


At least they made the attempt with the in-game NISs, others might have switched to actors (which would have cost more, and the characters in the cutscenes wouldn't look anything like the ones in game) or even just used subtitles.


Sure it looks funny, but I play the game for the gameplay, not to complain about how unrealistic the imaginary faces look...




Graphics effect the gameplay heaps... Sutek. Take for instance if the looks of the lightsaber was like a 'metal pole' then the player wouldn't be as satisfied, thus, will not achieving maximum satisfaction (which he or she could have).


Also, you said it's difficult to create a human face. Well, all other games have done it pretty good.. i'm sure it would be a walk in the part for Raven

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I'm aware graphics play an immense role in the popularity of a game, but they aren't always an essential part.


My point is really that, yes the faces look strangewhen they try to talk (emphasis on try), but it doesn't bother me much. It did initially, but then I realised that it wasn't too bad, and kinda humourous in it's own right.


And other games do it by rendering the cutscenes seperately from the game engine, whereas JK2 tries to do it using the in game engine (originally tried in Homeworld I think, where it worked incredibly well), but they added objects to the faces, and obviously their meshing of those objects wasn't perfect. It probably was meant to be temporary, but when time came to release they had spent too much time writing the game, and could replace the temp cutscenes with real ones (so they got polished a little, and fingers were crossed).

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I believe that Raven could have fixed those faces. Have you played SOF2, in sinble player. It uses InGame cut scenes and the mouths don't look like that at all. Infact they look really good. One beef how the MP SDK for SOF2 has comeo ut already and not one for JK2. What is raven doing, hoping we would forget?

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