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Once again, a Stupid Newbie Question - Lights and Sabers


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Well, i've made my first room, and even though its just a room, i'm proud of it. heh..


Anyways, i tok off the sky texture, and want to add light...I have three light spots, and all they do is make a small light pool around themselves and makes the rest of the room quite dark...


I also have added a few weapons and ammo, but the default setting is a saber only game, so I can't get these to show up in my map...how do I turn the saver only off?


Thanks in advance...




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To give greater range to lights, add the key "light" with a numeric value to increase their range. Default is 200, I think. You can also add a key "scale" to increase the intensity of those lights (a value of 2 will make a double-bright light, a value of 3 will make a triple-bright light, etc)


To change the default settings, just "Create Server" and change all the settings how you want them... after it loads, disconnect from your own server and then /devmap yourmap... default settings should change to the ones you just used.

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