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Changing menumusic?


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(I hope this hasn't been asked before, if it has, then I'm sorry)


Alright, I am wondering if it's possible to change the menumusic (the music that is played when I load up the MP version).


I hate it more than anything and would rather have the one in Duel of Fates map.


I have no experience in editing, and I don't want to have any ;) .

But I would be happy if somebody could help me out!


Thanks in advance!

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Rather easy to do, simply open assets1.pk3 in WinZip / Whatever you use.


Then extract ui\jk2mp\main.menu -- open this is a text editor, then search for the following:


		exec				"music music/mp/duel" ;
//			setfocus			newgamebutton 


Simply change the parameter the music/mp/duel to what you want it to me, save it up, and make a new pk3 file (with the correct path as well).

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sooo, IF I had a song in c:\favorites\rzworldscolide.<music thing I cant remember> I would make it


exec "music c:\favorites\rzworldscolide.<music thing I cant remember>" ;

// setfocus newgamebutton





Is that anything like how ist supposed to be?

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Originally posted by Verlex

sooo, IF I had a song in c:\favorites\rzworldscolide.<music thing I cant remember> I would make it


exec "music c:\favorites\rzworldscolide.<music thing I cant remember>" ;

// setfocus newgamebutton





Is that anything like how ist supposed to be?


MP3 -- And I believe it requires to be under the path of your current game directory, ie: INSTALLDIR/GameData/base

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