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Wish u could register names...


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Id just like to pose an idea. How great would it be if we could register names?!


I know I'm not alone out here. Some of us use a name exclusively...and as it would be the name becomes known well enough that you can establish a reputation.


I have a guild/order if you will, we call ourselves the [CO] aka, the crimson order. I worked hard along with its founder to establish ourselves as distinguished, honorable, and fearsome fighters. (i know there are those of you out there that are going to call this sad...but if we all behaved in such ways ..the game would be alot more fun for everyone no?)


So i pose the idea that if we could register names and tags we could have less "fuzzywuzzybears",and people just like them impersonating us by flying our tag and using our names (me and the founder especially) and causing harm to our well earned reputations. (im sure one of those "bears" might read this as well...and id like to ask them why they do they do these things its really quite sad how they feel the need to terrorize other people in the game who just want to play and have a good time)


Just yesterday, one of those "bears" went into a server where one of our new nominees was playing and decided to kick him out of our order using MY name (he was calling it a clan at the time ...which it ISNT!) and this was fustrating to me, as everyone we admit deserves in all ways to be in our order, and is therefore irrevocable...as we do not select our candidates lightly.

Anyway...i just figured theres more of you out there that feel this way and have had similar problems with these bears or others like them ...and it would be great if we could put some sort of passwords on our names... preventing any more good and decent players from being harassed like this.


~the SaRG

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There isn't any official way of registering your names, but there's a site called nickbase.com - http://www.titanwar.com/nickbase/


It's not official, or even particularly useful as it doesn't prevent people using your tag in game. I'd say you have a particuarly pernicious type of enemy, whom you have obviously offended at some point but has no qualms about pretending to be someone they aren't. Think about the incident you mentioned, who could know about this new members enrolment outside your group? If you make them public then you might have a problem. Are there any people who you have personally offended (or might have) who might act in this way, or this new player?


Get in touch with the server admins, let them know what has happened and tell them that you'd like that person's IP banned if possible. Those are the only suggestions I can give you, but if the guy is known to you IRL, give him a few from me.

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...well..this is just the point....we've dont NOTHING to them at all. They see the way we play...honorably..this includes respecting your opponent in actions as well as in words, this is the basis of our code.....so you see we would not have offended anyone or done anything to warrant this. They would just come into our server...or into one of our other servers we frequent and cause problems.


These "bears" are just a general kind of terrorist, and they just targeted the [CO] probably because they are the complete opposite of everything we stand for. They even change their names from the bears to something normal when they dont "feel" like hurting us. (we know their alternate names) My hope was to bring honor and respect to the game, being a martial artist myself, i find that it is proper and above all NECESSARY to respect your opponents...you can never underestimate anyone....


Its just that they have for some reason that makes no sense at all to a normal human being targeted us, and have decided to malign and dishonor our order for no other reason than "they felt like it"


So i just wish Raven or lucas arts would come out with something in the next patch to protect our good names...as that is all we have in this game that represents us in the face of others.

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I presented a few lines of inquiry, not knowing how much you knew about these people, most of my previous suggestions are irrelevant in this case.


A thing such as protecting clans is quite rare, the only game I can think of which takes an active role in protecting clans is CS, but I have limited experience with such things (having never joined a clan myself).


As you said, most likely they are doing it because they find it fun. May I suggest a daily "password"? You could even cloak such a thing in day to day conversation - if they fail to respond in the appropriate way then you will know them to be an imposter. Make sure you vary it regularly to keep them from picking it up. Ask about fake matches coming up, or how relatives you don't have are doing, events that didn't really happen to the clan, that kind of thing.


I know it's kind of silly, but if you are suffering as badly as you say then this may give you some kind of edge over it. Once they realise they can't pentrate it it won't become as fun anymore.


In general though, I presume since you encounter these people regularly you must play on the same group of servers a great deal. Since this implies they do too, make sure that the regulars all know the various names these people go by, and the kinds of tricks they will play. If these people are making as much of a nuisance as they seem to be, others will be glad to push them out as soon as they enter the game. If you are known and popular in your "local" community then you should have no troubles.

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well..we have no trouble deciphering our members from fakes...i usually run my own server...and i can kick them whenever i want...its just now that its summer break for my college..i can no longer run a server for my order(its not a clan...its a brotherhood of great, honorable fighters...who dont have time for clan obligations..so we dont have organized matches or anything...we just liek to play with warriors of like mind and skill)...so they are taking advantage of this absence and impersonating absent members like myself and terrorizing my friends. BUt we have our ways of dealing with the bears...that and they dont have much talent so destroying them is not a problem....


I was just inquiring as to if there was or will be a means to protect our good names so stupid, immature morons like these bears could no longer impersonate us at all...maiming csport stats and overall reputations online.


[CO] is also more than just a local group...our members come from from across the states. So id say its a bit more than a local group.


I appreciate your help tho...its good to see someone who can relate to the problem.

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I brought up the clan tag thing because it is so similar to your situation - in essence you can be considered a clan, even though you may not be.


I think it is unlikely we will see such a thing as clan registration intergrated into JK2, I haven't seen it as much of a problem within the forums (yours is the first I've seen). It was insituted in CS because everyone there was deadly serious about their clans, skills and good names, but the JK2 community is a bit...looser.


If you say you are dealing with them, then carry on, and give them some from me. It is one thing to accidentally duplicate someone else's nick, but quite another to do so deliberately. Which server is this? If it turns out my ping isn't so bad to it I may come along and try and beat the snot out of them a few times myself.

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AH SUTEK good to hear about your support!


Unfortuantely, im no longer able to run my server until september, as im not stuck at home away from college, and on a glorious 56GAY CONNECTION!! YAY!!


This in itself is a problem in dealing with the bears as i tried to police them for a bit as well. I guess some of my other CO's will have to pick up the slack. But, theyve been seen on server using my name and hellmasters name. We have a way of detecting them ...both in the fact that they mispell our names in caps, spacing, and of course the spelling itself, and know a certain thing about my CO server...they have to spit it out quick enough..because i know it by heart and only the REAL SaRG knows it fast enuf. They would have to look it up id gather. and now that its not online it would be harder to find out if they didnt have these things already.


But they do use their own names occaisionally, so feel free to send them my love....heheheheh....and i hope to see some changes in the game..much like CS that could help bring ludicracy such as this to its end.


~the SaRG

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Originally posted by HappyPrancer

Is anyone else sick of these pricks who run around using nothing but a saber? I wish these no-skill n00|3s would learn how to use some different weapons instead of relying on some cheap ass stick of light. You spammers do know you can pick up other weapons right?


Crist, learn some 5ki||s before you play a game. I wish there was a server where these noob spammers could wave their lightsticks around and not bother me... oh wait, there is. It's called a saber only server. GO THERE.





Was that in the name of humour? I hope.

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