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Suggestion for a new game type - but I can't code for toffee


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Just wondering if anyone out there with some ability to write a mod might be interesting in a short challenge (in theory) - to write the "Last Man Standing" game type for JK2.


The premise is simple: Buncha people spawn, then kill each other. When they die, they cannot respawn until the next round. Last person to die, wins the round. New people joining late in a round would also have to be prevented from spawning until the beginning of a new round.


Obviously, the hardest part of that is stopping people from spawning, closely followed by whether a "round" is the map, or whether you have several rounds on one map, then change maps.


A few other suggestions for it - Team LMS, where the team has a limited number of lives to go around, and the winning team is the one that still has members left alive. Uneven teams are balanced by the fact that the smaller team has more lives to share around than a larger one, though some team balancing is helpful.


I also wonder how far this principle could be stretched into other game modes - LMS CTF anyone? Where teamwork and strategy are more useful than charging butt first at a group of opponents?

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