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One way doors?


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Is it possible to make a door only open one way?


What I want to do is to have a jump pad jump you up a level, and a door will open on your way, but will close right after and you will land on it...



Any way to do this?

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You could use a multiple_trigger brush on the side you want to be able to open the door and target the door, that way you will only be able to open the door when you walk into that "trigger".

Or you could use a trigger_once.


Hope that helps.


- Pseudopath.

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No, you would just have the trigger_multiple below the door, but above the jump pad. Then, when you hit the pad, the player will fly through the trigger_muliple, opening the doors, then the doors will close, and the player will land on them, and won't be able to open them, since the trigger for the door is on the other side.


It might take some trial and error to get the timing of all the entities right, but that's the best way to do it.

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