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The story of the clan of idiots (read this)


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Once upon a time, there was a JKII characther (mine) named Cliff Nerfherder. This was a nice characther, who never killed defenseless characthers, who enjoyed a good duel, who always said "gg" after a game, who thinked force was not a very good opinion to sabering, and so on. Unfortunatly, this characther came in contact with a newbie clan of idiots named "Order of the Jedi", or "OOJ".


The leader (i think) of this clan was the biggest idiot of them all,

a guy named "(OOJ) Obi-Wan Kanobi". This clan was too often playing on the free for all server Cliff use to play on, and Cliff never liked them, firstly because they teamed up, wich is very unfair for the other on the server, second because they were quite unhonorable.


Now, one day, Cliff was playing on the server on "death star". The clan was there too, about five of them, and they always ganged up in the center. So Cliff interacted with them several times, killing many of them. The leader was too chicken to figth, so he mostly sent his gang against Cliff, but they mostly got killed, so Cliff fougth and killed Obi a few times too.


Cliff did not use force here (exept absorb), he did only figth with pure sabering. But still, Obi got extremely pissed. Now, Obi came up with an evil plan, simple, but still evil. He called a vote for kicking poor Cliff, he got all his clan members voting "yes". Poor Cliff standed no chance against this attack, he was being kicked for no reason, he just killed too many with his saber.




This was the unfinished story of brave Cliff Nerfherders figth against the cruel clan "OOJ". It will probably end with Cliff killing the clan folks, breaking up the clan and face and kill the evil "(OOJ) Obi-Wan Kanobi". Or so i hope. Becausethis was the worst thing anyone haver ever done to Cliff.




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This calls for a Return of the Jedi:lsduel:


Cliff needs to infiltrate their clan under an assumed name, gain their trust and find out where they live. Then he needs to go to their houses and spray them and their computers with a garden hose.

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They sound like a bunch of newbie asses. I'd sure like to help this poor Cliff you talk about kill off this clan. Though, i'd have to see truth that they did such a thing. Not that I don't believe you. I know this isn't my problem, but that is not a clan. Ruining fun for others is unacceptable.

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