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Patch Mesh and Capping


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Ok question....


I am trying to build a bathtub (yes a bathtub) out of patch meshes. I am having a little trouble with it. I created two endcaps facing each other and i capped them. the deleted the top cap and left the bottom one. trouble is, how do i get the rounded edges to cap? i can't get it to do this. thanks in help for advance!!!



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what you no like the party map? :p


i ended up making a really gay looking bathtub. i'll prolly go back and look at it again later and see what i can do. there's still a lot of work to be done in this map and seeing as how i just decided to add a flooded basement, there's even more! :D



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If it's a built-in one, just build the outside walls w/ brushes, and leave a space in the middle. Put a simple patch mesh in there, flush w/ the top of the surrounding brushes, so that it all looks like one big brush. Then, just select the middle vertex, and pull it down till you get a nice curved shape. Or, put two endcaps end to end to get a circle, then flatten it out a bit to get a rectangular brush w/ rounded edges. Then, just curve the bottom row inward to get that nice curved bath-tub shape. If you're really having trouble, I might make one for ya. ;)

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