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Lost with Lando


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I have just dropped lando off at the control center over looking his ship. When i went down the elevator to his right it took me outside. I killed the guys and am walking around in a circle around the building. I may just be overlooking something but i have no idea where to go. There is one building with a glass ceiling but the door is locked and I can't jump high enough to get on top.

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I'm not exactly sure where you are, but assuming that you're circling the building counterclockwise, you should see either a path off to the right leading to a locked door which you can open with your light saber, or you should also see a path off to the right where you killed a few AI. Follow that around to a different building.

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Level 10 - Nar Shaddaa Starpad


You will start on the ascending lift. At the top, move along the corridor and up the ramp. Kill the thug patrolling near the doors at the other end of the room. Lando will move around to a lift on the right, follow him and board it. Hit the button to go up. Follow the corridor to the control room overlooking Lando's ship, the Lady Luck. Lando will tell you what needs to be done to release the ship. Step on the pad to your right to get a lift down. Outside you will see a door opposite that has an electronic lock. Slice it open and enter the door to get a message from Lando.


This room should be familiar to you. Go through the other steel door to your left, move along the corridor and out the next door. Watch out as gangsters populate this room (including a sniper in the rear right corner). Take the battery packs if you need them, you're going to be using your light amplification goggles in a moment.

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