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Star Wars: Clone Wars


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To whom are interested


A new large modification to the Jedi Knight title is in development. The mod will focus on the Clone Wars, with the player as a Jedi Master. The features will be extensive, as players will take part in the many major battles of the Clone War.


The mod timeline will be set from Star Wars Episode II to Star Wars Episode IV.


The mod will be supported by American War Simulations, by assisting with Staff and many other factors. Although we do require the following positions, all of which will be voluntary service:


- 3D modeller (High skills)

- 2D texturer

- Animator

- C / C++ programmer


If interested, please contact Jean Marciniak, at willjrn15@prodigy.net / willjrm15@hotmail.com


The website address will be released within the next week.


Thank you

Jean Marciniak

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sounds like a good idea...but its alot of work for modders to make, i take it its a single player mod mostly....and i heard raven might not be releasing the tools for editing sp for a while after all the mp ones are (the sdk's still need to be released), but it sounds like a good idea...im planning on starting an mp mod team soon...probably wont have a story or anything behind it just new force powers saber combats etc... just to make the game more fun...

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