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Jedi Parade...


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Greetings fellow JO-aholics,


I started this thread rather as to question you all if we should make one massive mod that consists of all the Jedi/Sith. I always seem to like one large mod rather then a whole bunch of little ones. Anyway, I just thought it would seem fit to do this JO first mass mod with the Jedi. With the release of AotC, I believe we have quite a good list in which to choose from. Anyway, I was wondering if people would think this would be a good idea or not.


If so, I'm looking for modelers/skinners to take on the following characters to make:




Mace Windu

Plo Koon

Obi-wan Kenobi

Qui-gon Jinn

Kit Fisto

Yoda (Yes, were going to see if we'll get that little demon to work ;) )




Darth Vader

Emporer/Darth Sidious

Darth Maul

Count Dooku


Anyway, those are just the highlighted ones, many more could be added.


Anyway, this thread is not only to see if you guys are interested or not, I thought I'd make it for all of you to show off your Jedi/Sith, whether your interested in this or not. Simply post below with the name of your character followed by the pic URL. Lets see what you great people have worked up :)

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