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Another question for blood and absath


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hey i now know you guys are working on original creations and all and i was wondering if you guys do requests... i have an original jedi that i created that has no real influence from the movies except the species of alien... i was wondering if you do model or skin requests because i think my character that i made would be bad ass..... there is a possibility you may be making the same thing so if you could private message me or e-mail me at camnron@aol.com to discuss this it would be greatly appreciated... i dont want to submit the pic on this board because i dont want anyone to steal my idea and take credit without my approval... if you would like to talk to me the aol account is also the same as my instant messanger.



thank you

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Unfortunatly Bloodriot and I will not be taking requests for models (We've had quite a few offers so far, so I thought I should clear this up).


We will be focusing primarily on original characters, this is true. We will not be ruling out official characters, it just isnt likely. We have more than enough of our own characters to keep us busy for quite some time, and also most of the fun comes from bringing our creations into reality. I don't think we'd draw as much enjoyment in realizing someone else's creations for them.


I'm sure that everyone on this board has a wonderful custom character that would be "oh so cool" and "fit perfectly into the game". The problem is, that once we start doing custom models to order, we've opened a door we cannot shut again.


We plan to avoid this situation alltogether. Our final answer now, and always will be "No".


And this post isnt directed just at you cam...im hijacking your thread to inform the community. sorry.




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