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Scripting and Combos


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I know a lot of people make their own scripts, but is there a web site that posts them?


Is there a web site that posts combo moves, if so, could someone please post it :)


And what is this notorious DFA move I've been hearing about? How do you perform it?


And one last thing, I was missing around with binding keys and I binded the following:


/bind p +movedown;+forward;+attack


And it kept looping the primary attack. Any reason why?


Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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A few answers:


Read throught the forums, they've all been posted.


Don't think that there is a combo guide written/posted yet.


DFA: [in 1.03] attack in red stance, wait till mid swing or so [different timing depending on which swing your doing], press attack, jump and forward at the same time. voilà!


Because the bind doesn't contain -attack. any command that is turned on [+] must also be turned off [-] or you'll do it over and over.

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well, par example: bind x "+attack; +forward; wait 5; -attack; -forward"


the dfa would be something like:

bind x "+attack; -attack; wait 15; +forward; +attack; +moveup; wait 5; -attack; -forward; -moveup" Not sure it will preform the DFA but it should be something like that. You could also remove the first attack, preform it "manually" and the let the bind execute the rest of the move.

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