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Model request : Battle droid


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Yowz all modelers and skinners,

I'm a n00b modeler/skinner (not good at any of'm), but i'dd REALLY like to play a battledroid model:bdroid1: , so i was wondering if anybody would be interested in making it for me. I'dd be glad to help in any way i can, but as I said i'm a total noob and probebly won't be able to do any good. If you've allready made a battledroid model/bot , pls mail it to me (boarderjd@hotmail.com) or tell me where to dl it.

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It would be too hard... The battle Droids don't move like Kayle. They move like droids. Don't get me wrong its a good idea and a port of the Half Life battle droids would work really well and would be easy. It just wouldn't look right ingame. You would have to make custom animations, something no one can do with out softImage. Since no one here has that program or knows how to use it. That will never happen.


Unless Raven, or someone with some pluggin writting skills, writes a GLA (animation file) export plug-in you won't be seeing anyting really different in JK2.


If it won't bend like Kayle, and be roughly about the same size then you will never get it iname.


Thank you Raven for taking the easy way out and doing Motion Capture. way to screw over the extended play of your game! NICE ONE GUYS!

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okay i know he would walk the same way as a real droid or anything, but just the model would be cool, for now. I started on the model myselfs (I may be able to model it but I don't know how to tag or skinmap them, so if anyone has wants to teach me , again : Boarderjd@hotmail.com (have msn))


Thanks for the comment anywayz :):) :bdroid1:

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Depends on what program your using? There are lots of Tutorials on the web for skinning. I would check out http://www.polycount.com for help on Q3 model skinning and tagging. It is almost the same as JK2. atleast for the skinning part I guess...


I think your on your own to learn how to skin & tag.



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