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Final Fantasy X skins


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i was wondering, is there any skinners working on a FFX Tidus skin or any other skins from FFX apart from the Auron one already out... i'd praise the person who duz me one soooo much..


i got loadsa pics of Tidus, Auron, Wakka any of them so if u wanna do one please email me asking!! id send them straight away!


My email is moleflogplopmoo@btopenworld.com


*chuckles* my email makes me laugh while being embarressed..



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Originally posted by Epimetheus

Get... off... of... this.. board...


And onto the skinning board. Where you will be promptly lectured for your insolence.


yes you went to the wrong board and also most people don't often do favors. You'll most likely have to wait untill most SW skins and models are done untill people might take requests.

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