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model not showing up...why?


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I have put in the models for the shield, power and ammo converters into a multiplayer map I am in the process of designing. But for some reason they are not showing up in my map. I have also tried using the one from the ctf_bespin level but this also doesnt show up. All other models show up (and joradient is setup for mp..made about 6 maps now and they all work fine)..

Dont understand it..one map they will show up(ctf bespin) but copy the entity over to a new map and they dont...


any ideas



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this rates as the second most asked forum question only second to the sky question(<=== NOT A FLAME i asked these too)


ok im sure this prob is in the FAQ sticky on the top of the forum

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actually if you read my post it ISNT IN THE FAQ...the file paths are correct....I have even (as stated in original post) have used the entity from the original ctf_bespin map that comes with the joradient setup as a entity in my map...I have imported other objects and they show up fine..the only object I cannot get to load are the amoo..energy and health recharge stations..


1. Models paths are fine

2. Other models show up in game

3. Recharge stations do not show up (as already stated have even used the one from ctf_bespin) (recharhe stations are the objects that are waist height coloured yellow and green colours)


anyone have any idea why..or had this problem



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no can't be..they are in the official ctf_bespin, and they are also in other maps as well..like ctf_yavin and narshadaa streets...next to flag bases so they are in mp



ps. VIO sorry if my post seemed a bit strong (shouting) didnt mean for it to be so...half asleep when I wrote it, just came out a bit strong..thanks for the reply though

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this doesnt make any sense..on the right click menu (joradient and gtkradient both set to mp def) there are entries for the converters there...and apart from this if they are not useable on mp then how are they in ctf bespin yavin etc...what si being used there then..

Have a look at this screenshot to see what I mean




not that i dont believe you but they are implementable in mp...here the proof



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ha haa

found out why it wasn't showing up..it is gameplay mode dependant. When you test the maps it defaults to ffa, pack the file up as you would do for final release so you can choose gametype..ie ctf and it shows up fine...


glad got that one sorted out



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