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don't have Max? still want your model in?


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This thread is deticated to those of us that don't have the resourse to by 3Dstudio Max (and don't want to risk d-loading a cracked copy)


For those of you that still want to get your models into JK2. and don't have MAX I offer the following FREE solution.


MilkShape... milkwhat? you say...

MilkShape can be found here--->http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/

MilkShape is a free(for 30 days) program that offers alot of support for games out there. Up untill now it didn't support jk2. Well that changed when BoBo Fett wrote a GLM plug in for Milkshape. you can get the plug-in here ---> http://jedidreams.codealliance.ca/jk2util.shtml


Thats right for 30 days you can build, import export all the models you want. FOR FREE! Whats that you say... you want to keep importing and exporting for more than 30 days? well then it is gunna cost 20 bucks. Thats right only 20 bucks to own milkshape. I own it, I love it, I use it all the time. The interface is very close to max and really easy to learn even if you have never touched 3D programs before. It supports a wide range of file types and games like .obj, dx8, It also support BioVision motion capture BVH. the only form of mo cap it supports though :(


How ever it does have it's short comings... it doesn't offer weighted joints so smooth blending of joints would be very hard to do. And without a GLA exporter written it does not support JK2 custom animations. BUT if you charater is the same size as Kayle and you don't mind using the default animations then what are you waiting for! Go get your free software and start creating!



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I dont know how you figure your gonna get the model into the game without being able to apply the skin modifier and weighting. And unless milkshape exports to xsi its not going to compile either. However ....




Quote from website:


gmax is a free 3D content creation platform designed to let game enthusiasts create custom art for their favorite titles. It includes many powerful tools including polygon and patch editing, texturing, lighting, and simple keyframe animation.


Anywho. You can apply your skin modifier and weight in gmax also it seems. I dont think it will export XSI. But I think its a better shot than with milkshape. Or maybe you'll use both.

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I don't think you have to export to xsi? you can use the default animations. you don't have to compile anything just replace the GLM file in any standard JK2 model.


Milkshape does support Materials. Why does it have a "Materials Tab?" Have you ever used it? You can use it to apply skins to any group. I have made about 20 models that all have materials applied to them.


Is there even a GLM export plug in for Gmax?


Gmax is a great product but I don't think it is for the beginner. I also don't think it's for someone that wants to get their model in game with as little hassel as possible. Gmax has very limited support for games and file formats. Last time I counted Gmax supported 3 games and 2 file formats. MilkShape is easier to learn, does not contail tons of confusing sub menus and supports 27 games and 37 file formats. Also the creator is very open to suggestions and will create a import export plug in for just about any game you can get him the tech specs on.


With Gmax you have to wait until your games company buys a licence for GMAX dev and writes a plug in. This takes alot of time and so far only 3 fish have taken the bait.


I also think it up to poeple to use whatever they want. I was just trying to let people know they don't have to have a full blown copy of 3D studio max. There are other programs out there for the lil guy at home that do the job.


Don't get me wrong I would rather use MAX over milkshape any day of the week. But since I have used both I know MAX and GMAX have a slightly high learning curve. Where as milkshape does not.



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Im pretty sure you need to compile player models in assimilate to get them to use the default animations. And at this time you cannot use custom animations in the game at all. And in order to compile a player model in assimilate you need to have a root.xsi. If you think its as easy as replacing the model.glm I suggest you export a md3 from milkshape load it in md3viewer provided with jk2 tools and export a glm. I think you will find that it will not work. Either way im pretty sure your going to need 3dsmax at some point.

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I just did it.... your right... I hate it .... but your right!

DAMN YOOOOoooOOooooouuuUUUuuuu! LOL thanks for the info forget my crazy post it's a waste of time to use milkshape...



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dont say that milk shape is a great program for modeling i prefer it over 3dsmax just because i think it is faster and i have become accustommed to it more and much quicker. now you still need 3dsmax in order to assign the .xsi and such but you can still model in milkshape (like i did)


though one important thing when you import the mesh to .3DS it shortens all names to a maximum of 10 characters what this meands is that some of the caps have the same names and cancel each other out. meaning they dont get imported. so you have to give them shorter names when you segment and cap your mesh in MS. i have taken the picture that space monkey made for the cap names and added in blue names that woudl work for the importation. once you have imported into 3dsmax you need to ofcourse rename these files to their proper names.



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hopes this helps other MS enthusiats



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