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SP Spawning Help !


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I downloaded the skin for Mace Windu. I tried to get him to spawn in the game by editing the Bots.txt file in the assets0.pk3 and I also edited the Npc.cfg and added him to the list. I then created a pk3 file that included everything that a bot has with the botfile, script, etc......... I then started the game and activated the cheat so I could spawn him and I typed npc spawn windu and it spawned a stormtrooper.........anyone know why this happens? Any help is appreciated.

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I am having a similar problem. I downloaded a Mual skin and have been trying to add him to sp. I already got it so that he was "copied" over another in game character, a jeditrainer, but I want to add him to the game as a seperate character. I have edited the following:

botfiles-added maul to the bots list file and added a custom maul bot personality.

ext_data-edited maul into the npcs.cfg





playerModel Maul

saberColor red

rank commander

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class jedi

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd jedi1

sndcombat jedi1

sndjedi jedi1

health 400

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 5

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 10

dismemberProbWaist 0


Models-I have all the model graphics and the files are all cited properly

scripts-I edited the script so that i accessed the right personality file


and thats all i've done. Have i forgotten to do anything? The problem i'm having is that when i "npc spawn Maul" it spawns a ghostly looking Morgan Katarn character. This is frustrating as hell for me and I dont know what else to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


PS Sorry for the long post

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is what I put in the .cfg fileWindu


fullName "Windu, Mace"

playerModel Windu

saberColor purple

rank captain

reactions 4

aim 4

move 4

aggression 4

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class luke

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

// race human

snd Windu

sndcombat windu

sndjedi windu

health 200

dismemberProbHead 5

dismemberProbArms 5

dismemberProbLegs 5

dismemberProbHands 10

dismemberProbWaist 10

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