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Three questions....


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hope someone can help...


1. I have a thick red line that traces its way though my map in JK2Radient, what is it and how do I fix it?


2. I still have to get my NPC to go to a certain navgoal, I have used a script to set the navgoal of the NPCs. Can some one give me example that works?


3. Certain things in my map like NPC, func objects and triggers reset themselves in various ways an different times. Why would this happen?


Thanks for your time.


- Pseudopath.

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1) You have a LEAK. (a hole in your map. ). A leak can also be caused by an entity placed outside your map (in the void).


2) When does NPC should go to his navgoal, directly upon spawning or when triggers or what? More details, plz.


3) What do u mean by "reset"?

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1. thanks I check the entities, would that plugin from GTKRadient solve the leak problem if it was a brush (I forget its name)?


2. they spawn when I trigger them by walking through a door, which is when I want them to follow the navgoal.


3. NPCs have gone to the default, a couple of func_breakable have turned to group entities (though I think that is my not deselecting stuff ;) ) and a trigger_hurt to cause death by falling suddenly stopped working??


Hope you can help.



- Pseudopath.

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Regarding #2


Create waypoint_navgoal. Give it some targetname, ex. ng1


Add following to your NPC:


key: spawnscript

value: artus_topside/generic_go


key: parm1

value: ng1


key: parm2

value: 0


It should work.

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Can you tell me why a func_breakable would work after an initial BSP FullVis compile and not after the subsequent?

This is the "reset" problem I was refering to above.


Oh, and the script/navgoal things, was working then stopped.

I think some of my entities randomly ignore key & values???


Thanks for your help!


- Pseudopath.

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Originally posted by Pseudopath

Can you tell me why a func_breakable would work after an initial BSP FullVis compile and not after the subsequent?

This is the "reset" problem I was refering to above.


Are you 100% sure about that. A func_breakable is seen as an entity => makes no difference in fast or fullvis.

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Originally posted by Gif

I have that red line to..


Does a light thats area exceed the bounding box cause that?



how can i detect my leaks?



All entities in the map must be completely sealed off from the "void" outside the map - i.e. the map has to be completely "airtight".


The red line means that you have a leak. Follow the red line to where it exits the map. There is probably just a gap between two brushes that needs to be filled. Fill it and re-compile to see if the gap is sealed.


// Grudge

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I am certain that the func_breakable stops functioning, I have deleted and replaced them several times and also tested one replacement found it working then copied it to the others only to have none of them work!


I must say that I do Caulk all except one side which is covered with a grate texture, I do not think that would affect it.


That is why I asked, I am very confused ;(


Any help would be appreciated.


- Pseudopath.

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That is one thing I have checked several times.....

All there is in the keys....

Is the classname and the material one........


I might try them without the material....


btw in my latest compile the last one I replaved works?!?!??!


God this is wierd, I always get these wierd things happening! It seems as though something doesn't want me to map????


Anyway, enough of my paranoia.

Thanks for your help.


- Pseudopath.

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