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Boba/Jango Fett models not modeled correctly!!


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When you use the models (in MP) to backwards stab in the one fighting stance.....where in most models the blade goes backwards, in Boba model the blade continues pointing forward and you just jab back with the hilt.


Hey, if my opponent was dumb enough to get nailed by that move....I want to nail him proper and put him in his place !!



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they already know. i think someone is working on it. despite the animation flaws i think the mandolorian models are possibly the best and most accurate models out there for JO, better than anything raven did for sure. :fett:

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ok guys... please this is a recommendation for all guys new to these boards

please have a look through some other threads, it will really help you to get info about stuff before just reposting other stuff that could have been answered for you quickly and easily. This isn't a flame so i hope i don't scare you off, we're good guys once you get around here, but having the same question asked to us about 50 times starts to get a bit repetitive.

and for those complaining about why they can't get a model to work in multiplayer, start your own server to see if the model shows up there. If it does, the model works fine.

Then when you join a server, if the model doesn't show up, it is because they have Pure Server set on, and do not have that model. I've had alot of ppl asking that too




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