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I'm currently trying to get back into the business of moding and such. I used to do quite a bit of it with JK, but it was mostly sabers and such, nothing big. Now, JO seems quite a bit more complex then good ol JK, so I need some help starting off.


What are the general free programs that I can use to make models and do skinning with?


I currently have a pretty good version of Paint Shop Pro, so I think I'll use that. Plus, if there are any additional programs that help please list them too.


ANother quick question, is modeling hard to do? I mean, I did pretty much slim to none before, so how long does it take for an inexperienced person to make a decent model? Anyway, thanks for your time.

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i use milkshape for modeling then i import the mesh into 3dsmax to attach the root.xsi and such. milkshape is free for 30 days and costs $20 for full copy. it is fast and i think a lot easier to learn that 3dsmax. (i posted on the modeling not using max thread about a certain thing you had to do if using milkshape and once i succesfully get my model in game i want to do a revised version of spacemonkey's tut going into things i had trouble with and what to do if using milkshape.)


i use Photoshop which i prefer over PSP but i think that will do just fine for skinning.


like others have said picking up gmax (free) woudl probably be the best choice if you wont get 3dsmax. other than taht read up on space monkey's tut and any tuts on modeling at polycount (i think that the forums have a specific sticky thread on just that , tuts, in their 2d and 3d discussion thread.)


if you are attemping to make character models for the first time it will take some awhile, so dont expect miracles. also what might be helpful is to read the modeling method thread here in the modeling forums to see how others play with verticies.


thats all i can help you with , good luck :)



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