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Nar Shaddar Communtiy care service !!?


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is it me or is narshaddar very clean theres no grafytie or cheap tacy neon lights


don't suppose any ones up for making a few shaders and textures to make the place actualy look like narshaddar rather than some old warehouse?

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Yeah, Coruscant looked like a Star Wars version of Las Vegas. Scantily clad showgirls, drunken fools (on which the Force would be very helpful)...perhaps that galaxy isn't so far, far away after all.


Anyways, on JediOutcastMaps, in the prefabs section there's some textures for Imperial Propoganda. It's a bunch of "Enlist Now" posters, basically, but it would add a bit of realism.

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I like Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant a lot, and I'm making some textures and shaders for both...

In fact, I already made a map taking place in Nar Shaddaa:


but it doesn't use custom textures.


I don't have a lot of time right now but as soon as possible I'll make a map using my new textures for coruscant... Prepare to see some flashy ads!! :)

I'll put the textures in a separate pack so anyone will be able to use them with ease in future maps.




I just need to make the days longer.... :)

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