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Saber skinning, need help


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I just started out with modeling, and I've been wanting to make a new saberskin. I tried to figure it out, and I thought I had it, but all I did was change what the greensaber looks like in the menu.


I also can't figure out the tga files and the like with the md3 application; I have no idea where to start. I got the JK2 tools set and I know how to extract things from the assets pk3.files, but thats it!




If anyone can help me, it is very much appreciated!

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you need to extract the effects from gfx/ in the pk3.

i had the same problem myself, but i think i found the files there.

you should get files called colour_line and coluor_glow. you might want the blurcore and blurglow files too, the saber trails.

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