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Star Fox Model Request

The Chimera

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All is not going well....I'm working on the body right now and....well....for all of you out there that want this model, I hope you have a LOT of patience because this is going to take a LONG time. :( :( :(

Anyway, I expect to have a basic structure of his body within a week, but another problem has risen...I'm visiting my mom in FLORIDA for 2 WEEKS! I am supposed to leave the 15th and won't be back until the 30th...AHHHHH!! But as soon as I get back I PROMISE I will work harder than ever before to get this model done.

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Originally posted by The Chimera


All is not going well....I'm working on the body right now and....well....for all of you out there that want this model, I hope you have a LOT of patience because this is going to take a LONG time. :( :( :(

Anyway, I expect to have a basic structure of his body within a week, but another problem has risen...I'm visiting my mom in FLORIDA for 2 WEEKS! I am supposed to leave the 15th and won't be back until the 30th...AHHHHH!! But as soon as I get back I PROMISE I will work harder than ever before to get this model done.


Wow, someone who can spell patience. I suppose this warrants my support. Finally, someone who can spell well.

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Well, the good news just went BAD! When I was making the model, some things just didn't go the right way, so I had to start most of it over! :evil6: But like I said, this is going to take a while(if some of you don't know, this IS my first model...so if it sucks, tell me. i need to know what is good and what is bad, in your opinion). Not to mention my computer is the slowest in the world. Just to get on the internet, I have to use my dad's! (he has DSL! :D :D :D) Anyway, I'm going back to work. I'll try to get on tomorrow and let you know how everything is going.


See ya!

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Ummmmmmmm....ok. I've been reading some of the other threads and I've come upon something thats worrying me....it's about the skeleton. Do I have to use the EXACT SAME skeletons used in JO or can I make my own. You see, the layout of Fox is a bit shorter than the other people and I was hopeing that I could make a skeleton just for him. But what I've read is that you have to use the same one...sooo......SOMEONE HELP ME!!!

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I'd really like to see some other chars for JK2 rather then just diffrent versions of the same star wars char. I think Fox would be a good model but not as good as a Link one :)


I saw the Mario and Zelda level made for JK2 and i think it was pretty cool to see something some of us played a lot when the computer world was younger :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello guys. Sorry I haven't talked in so long...my parants decided that they needed me to stay up in Florida a bit longer due to flight ticket problems(or something like that). Anyway, I'm STILL stuck in Florida but will definetly be getting back by Sunday. I am really sorry I haven't been able work on the model and will definetly start when I get back.


Now, about the skeleton. From footage I have seen from the upcoming Star Fox Adventures game (which will probubly be the model I make because without his jacket and head gear, it's a lot easier to make), Fox is DEFINETLY smaller than any regular human. Now, I haven't looked to far at the other posts, but has ANYONE figured out how to change the size of the skeleton? (you have to admit, it would be REALLY weird to see Fox McCloud standing 6 ft tall insead of 4 1/2 to 5 ft tall) If you have or know someone who has, please tell me. I'll try to come here a little more often until I get back home.


Thanks for you patience and DEFINETLY your help.


The Chimera

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chimera u got a prob with Florida? i live there danget =OP


but ya Florida does suck =OD..always hot and cold..never good


anyway i think the idea of star fox models would be kinda lame..i mean they don't exactly have small heads lol


BUT...even with that said..i really wanna see the models made =O)..im kinda 2 sided on that but i wanna see them


w00t w00t...i can't wait to play as Star Wolf and Falco..those guys kick ass!!!!!!


and if were gunu do more SSB characters.....we need the almighty...




ya shes a chick but that means ****...she kick ass!!!


she could take on any jedi............maybe........



but still...the only ones i really wanna see are




Samas Aran



wish u luck man and hope u get people to help u..can't wait to see some pics

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Yoda, you seek yoda.


its somewhere in the yoda thread, and there was another thread promising the pre-release of yoda in it that had a link to the scaling mod. So just model your fox around the skeleton with normal proportions, and do everything like anyone else would, then when your done i guess you attach a thing to it saying that the model is to be scaled by 70% or something like that and presto, you have a 5 ft. fox.


I def. want to see a SSBM Bowser (scaled up of course). that would be awesome.... yep...

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I found the Mod!


Thank you very much you two. Now I can make the model the exact size I need it to be without doing some complex code or something.


Here are my plans so far for my upcoming models:


Fox McCloud (from Star Fox Adventures, maybe Super Smash...)

Wolf O'Donnel

James McCloud

Krystal (from Star Fox Adventures)

Falco, Peppy, Slippy (maybe)


Once I get the first four done, I am thinking about making a mod for SP that switches these characters:


Kyle- Fox

Desaan- Wolf

Morgan- James

Jan- Krystal

Tavion- ??? (probubly someone I make up)


I hope I can get this all done within a year or two.(don't forget, I'm still a NEWBIE) The Fox model may not come out until next summer, depending on how hard High School is...I know that sounds like a long time, but please be patient (for those of you who want this...). And, as I said before, I will NOT be skinning these. For those of you who want to skin the Fox model and need Star Fox Adventures pictures, go to http://www.nintendo.com and do a game search in the Nintedo Gamecube section. Once there, just select the screenshots section.

If you have any questions or comments, please just say so. I need some ideas for the Tavion replacement model, so if you can help me there, that would be great. AND if you know where to find pictures of Wolf and James (I haven't found any yet) then that would be great, too.


Thank you all for your help and patience,


The Chimera




Oh, and one more thing...how do you get the skeleton into GMax? Otherwise, I won't be able to build the model around it...(of course, you already knew that...)

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bump =O)


btw u don't HAVE to build about the bone struction...u can always move your model to fit it after...but its perferred u do


also at first i thought this would be a stupid idea but i wanted to see the models anyway because id like to play as Wolf and Falco


well for some resaon my opinion changed


i think it would be a really cool idea and i still want to see the models =O)...gl on making them and hope u can get some help


i would help u but i got to many models to make and get in game..sorry =O(

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