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Uninstall/Reinstall Problem solved!!


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Dammit!!! I finally resolved the damn problem with not being able to uninstall JO. My problem occured when I tried to install a faulty 1.03 patch. Then all hell ensued. You can't uninstall plus you can't reinstall it (unless you use special software to uninstall program before u start deleting files and registry entries like a madman on a rampage). Anyhow, for those that can't uninstall the program and want to reinstall it, here's that critical key in the registry you have to remove to make the setup not try to uninstall (and dammit, reinstalling from the CD or from the HDD dont work, setup tries to uninstall still):


I'll do a short (windows warrior) and long version (windows begginers) version of what u have to do:



1) In your registry editor SEARCH (Ctrl-F) for this key:



2) Delete it or rename it (for the cautious)


3) Reinstall the game, patch it


4) Get @$$ kicked by yours truly MadBomber (Stormtrooper with red saber)


Long: (for those not in the know):


1) Go to START --> RUN--> enter 'regedit' in the box

2) Press CTRL-F or under EDIT->SEARCH

3) enter this entry (if you're smart you'll just copy-paste it):




4) When you find it, press on it and press the delete key or if you're not sure just right-click on it and rename it (I believe it is only 1 entry in the whole registry so you'll only find it once)


5) Reinstall game. The setup will not try to uninstall game like before.


6) Patch it to 1.03 . Go to Multiplayer. Get @$$ kicked by yours truly MadBomber (Stormtrooper with red saber)


If for some reason u can't find the entry it is possible that it may change for different games (i dont know since I only have 1) so just in case I found the name of the entry in:


CD DRIVE:\gamedata\data1.hdr (open it with notepad)


look for something like: Support>\Main Installation\Resource <Support>Script <SUPPORTDIR>\{8681B1E6-CD96-46EF-9065-CE0D1085ED99} <Support>Language Independent OS Independent Files


There is the entry for uninstalling. Search it in the registry and delete it. Light rox, dark sux


Hopefully it should work. The problem at first is that even when you erase all the 'lucas' 'jedi' entries in the registry the setup keeps one of those damn long uninstall entries in the registry which it will come back over and over thinking it needs to uninstall since not all has been removed.


Rock on!!


MadBomber :trooper:



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