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WIP Rave House Beta Shots


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I have some more Rave House Beta screens over at http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/beta.php?id=196


These screens are fully lighted (strobes included) so there may be some pictures where it's dark cuz of the flashing lights. This is sans the shower working, which is what I was able to get after getting the beta over to Jedioutcastmaps.com. Enjoy the screenies, and I shall probably try to make a release date on this in a week at the most. Depends on how much time I get to work on it. Peace!



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ok ...heres your feedback...

get rid of the period at the end of your link so it will load up for people... lol...the screen shots look awesome...you know how to get ahold of me...set up you coputer as a server for a few and ill join to beta it... looks good from the pics but i cant tell you more without a walk thru... by the way? i see the screen shots but when is it going to be finished?

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you say there are stobes in there, VERY BAD!


reason being that your map could kill my sister if she saw it


if your gona release it make sure you have an eplepsy warning on it (check my spelling) PLZ!

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Originally posted by Cunnah

you say there are stobes in there, VERY BAD!


reason being that your map could kill my sister if she saw it


if your gona release it make sure you have an eplepsy warning on it (check my spelling) PLZ!




and yes i probably will be stating that if you are adverse to those kinds of effects than obviously there will be some sort of warning. thanks for informing me though.




gif: when i am finished with the second floor then we can beta test it a bit. there are still some unfinished areas upstairs to work on.

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yeah sorry my previous post sounds a little harsh but it needs to be said, even slow blinking lights can trigger attacks, but then again just playing games (if you were that bad) wouldn't be advised.


well if i get at least one mapper to place warnings on his maps then i've at least done something


oh i took a look at the shots, very prety (if a bit risky ;) ) lighting

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I will be getting some more screenies soon. I am pretty much done with the second floor. I have started on the attic a little and am trying to add a couple more rooms to explore and maybe a chute that takes you back down to the first and second floors from the attic. kinda like one of those laundry chutes. so far what i can say is this:


so far there are two easter eggs in the map. where they are i won't say and for those of you who do know, you speak one word and you die a slow and painful death by force grip :D


Expect a release this week sometime though.



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