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Dismemberment in SP


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I loaded JK2, no dism. I uninstalled it and reloaded it and bam! I was cutting everyone in two, then I patched it, no dism. Edited my config for dismember=1 and realistic comabt =1 and still I'm lucky to cut a hand off. I don't have to have it but if it is there, why won't it work? Have I downloaded a pk3 that somehow disabled it? any suggestions???????

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It do look cool when i set things so that my saber cut peoples

heads, arms, legs, hand off or whole character in two from

waist but there are also One >>>> BAD!! <<<< thing i noticed

which is that if there are lots of storm troppers and... and i go

in slashing with my saber my game crashes quite often and i

get error message which says NO FREE ENTITIES or

something like that...

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