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As requested, Swoop Mapmodel WIP


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Sweet man! I can already picture a couple of those parked outside of a bar or something.


I dont know how making map models works, but if possible you should make like 2 or three different skins for em. The classic brown and rust red, a sleek black and steel, and a black with a flame job.


Way badass. Im going to have to learn how to map. This gives me such wonderful ideas for levels...

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The really kool thing would be if some of the mod makers out there were to use this model in some kind of total conversion. You can use an ATST in single player, I can just imagine the ability to jump on one of these bad dogs and actually ride them.


You should check with the link on the main page. Some guys are doing something called "The Hunted" or something like that. Some kind of Bounty Hunter total conversion. I can see them adding vehicles to their mod in a useable fashion. They would just need to animate a sitting, and a lean right/left animation to the character models, and add some kind of contact points to your swoop model. Then VROOM your bountyhunter can zip off to track his next mark with speed and style.

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