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Going to try A Redeemer Model...Look if interested

The Rel)ee(V)eR

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Hey everyone, The Redeemer from Spawn fame is one of my most eloved characters ever created. I am going to try to model him because I hate to ask other people to do it for me. Now, the only problem is, I have no previous modeling experianc so it will probably take a while...


My request is if someone will maybe point me in the direction of tutorials? And The Gmax Milkshape software? Thank you very much...


if anyone is interested in maybe modeing or skinning him, please PM me and let me know, here is his background story and picture.


The Redeemer - God's own eraser. Chosen and transformed into an Anti-Spawn, subcontracted by heaven to redeem or destroy Spawn on Earth. Many have worn the uniform of The Redeemer but few have been able to wear and use the power within it. Throughout time when the curse of the Spawn has found it's way to the landscape of mortals, the power of Heaven has often sought out the help of the agency known as The Star Chamber. Not much information is known about The Star Chamber and it's true connection with Heaven. The services of The Chamber have been called on from time to time to assist in the down fall of the various HellSpawn that have thrown Hell's attempts upon the universe. He and Spawn have faced each other only once, and Spawn cut off the Redeemer's left hand, then teleported to the Alley. The Redeemer learned from this experience and awaits their next meeting.



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